The Faith Devotee, the Pure Land, and the Visuddhimagga

Part 3 of the Visuddhimagga is called “Understanding (Paññá).” Nestled amongst the very boring and hard to understand sentences is §74 — §82. It comes across as a sort of Abhidhammic verification of the Pure Land School of Buddhism. It deals almost exclusively with the “faith devotee” described as one of the seven kinds of noble person. The list ranks them this way… (1) The faith devotee, (2) One liberated by faith, (3) The body witness, (4) The both-ways liberated, (5) The Dhamma devotee, (6) One attained to vision, and (7) One liberated by understanding. Buddhaghosa cryptically ends the list by saying; “This knowledge of equanimity about formations is a condition for their being placed as these seven classes.” We can be grateful that he didn’t just leave it at that. He actual explains himself in a very clear and detailed way, in spite of the cumbersome translation. When a resolut...