What Is Dhamma?

Dhamma - in Pali, the language of the oldest, original teachings of Buddha it is a noun and an adjective.

Noun 1. The Buddha's teachings. 2. Truth 3. Wisdom 4. A natural condition 5. Mental quality.

Adjective 1. Dhammic - acting according the Buddha's teachings, the Dhamma.

Some Buddhists take refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha (Triple Gem) to show respect and appreciation for the teachings. Even the Buddha had refuge to go to. For him, it is the Dhamma. After enlightenment the Buddha said, "Let me then honor and respect and dwell in dependence on this very Dhamma to which I have fully awakened." Anguttara Nikaya 4.21

Since the Dhamma is a term for the all-inclusiveness of the teachings, the Buddha emphasized the importance of Dhamma:

"Remain with the Dhamma as an island, the Dhamma as your refuge, without anything else as a refuge." Samyutta Nikaya 47.13 and also at Digha Nikaya 26.

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