The Hongaku Jodo Lineage as a Complete System of Practice
Courtesy Nembutsu Art The Hongaku Jodo lineage, grounded in Tendai Buddhism’s philosophy of hongaku shiso (“original enlightenment thought”), can be considered a complete system capable of leading one to enlightenment in this very body ( sokushin jobutsu ). This capability arises from its integration of doctrinal, meditative, and ritual elements that emphasize the immediacy of enlightenment and the Pure Land as a present reality. However, this depends on the depth of one’s engagement with its practices, philosophical understanding, and the degree to which it integrates complementary esoteric and Pure Land methods. Below is an exploration of how Hongaku Jodo functions as a potentially complete system: Philosophical Basis: Original Enlightenment The core of Hongaku Jodo lies in the doctrine of hongaku shiso , which asserts: All beings are inherently enlightened because they possess Buddha-nature. Enlightenment is not something to be a...