On Being Pro or Con
Designed by NandanG Whether one takes or advocates a vaccine or does not is irrelevant to the Path to liberation in so far as the physical act is meaningless. It is the attachment or aversion to the vaccine that actually and significantly matters. No one can say for certainty whether the vaccines are helpful or harmful any more than anyone knows for sure that anything happened yesterday. Both are constructs of the mind, many the ego. Most people are not interested in THE truth, they are interested in A truth, one which supports their narrative of an imaginary reality of karmic origin. The Buddha explains that as far as health or the lack of it is concerned is usually based on the fear of death. The fear of death is related to the erroneous belief that there is core essence of the individual that survives after death. The choice to be fearful is a senseless act of dukkha creation. The true nature of the human mind, the egoic mind, is that most people do...