Does Buddhism Need A Dhamma Police?

BY CHRISTOPHER ANTHONY LEIBOW This is a reposted blog article by Sensei Keisho Ananda of Hongaku Jodo . It is well worth the read. Please check him out. Does Buddhism Need A Dhamma Police ? When I took refuge years ago I took refuge in The Buddha, The Dhamma (Dharma) and The Sangha. The Dhamma is considered to be the body of the teachings of the Buddha . . . but where are the teachings, how do we know which dhamma, which teachings, are The Dhamma? Do we need a Dhamma Police to make sure that Buddhists follow the “true dhamma”? I think not and I hope not, and I’ll tell you why. First let’s take a look at where the teachings or the dhamma might be found. Buddhism, like all traditions that are really, really old, started out as an oral tradition. Three months after the Death of the Buddha 500 pre-eminent Arahants concerned with preserving the purity of the dhamma held a convocation at Rajagaha to rehearse the teachings. ...