The Magic in Words

Hongaku Jodo Website Click here to subscribe to our newsletter. Dr. Masaru Emoto has experimented on water for more than a decade. He proved that water can sense, comprehend, see, and listen. It seems that water can understand our minds. He found that water can respond to writing, language, music, and even peoples’ minds. If someone feels love and writes the word “Love” in different languages and stick the paper on a bottle of water for water to “see” it and later freeze the water bottle. When looking at the water under a microscope, we will see beautiful water crystals. If the write the word “Hate” in any language, the water crystals seemingly become ugly to some people. Water also seems to listen to & understand music. When classical music is played the water crystals become beautiful. Say words like, “I hate you” or “I don’t like you” to water, the crystals become what is usually described as ugly. This seems to prove, at least to some, that water is a living org...