How I Wrote the Book About Making Poor Choices

Many of us have made poor decisions throughout our lives. I’m no exception. I made an unskillful decision just yesterday — probably everyday, at least once. This morning I thought about why I had done what I did. As the thoughts arose surrounding the action I realized it came up from my childhood. I was reacting to someone who died many years ago. Was it because I chose to make the choice? Possibly that choice was not so much a choice but an automatic response predetermined because I was conditioned in some predetermined way. Neither free will nor predetermination explains how any of us make our decisions and choices. Free will cannot be the cause of of our choices because the term implies a truly self-existent and autonomous “me” that makes both skillful and unskillful decisions moment-to-moment independent of and unaffected by causes and conditions that create our environment. It also implies that even the decisions we make have an independent being all their own — like c...