Back Door Soul Theory

Buddha Nature is today taught as being interchangeable with Tathagatagarbha . They mean different things but this is not taught today. Buddha-nature, Buddha-dhatu or Buddha Principle, is taught differently in various Mahayana Buddhism traditions. Broadly speaking Buddha-nature is concerned with ascertaining what allows sentient beings to become Buddhas. The term is from the Mahayana Parinirvana Sutra where it is defined as the “true sacred nature” of the individual., in other words, a soul. Technically speaking, this universal definition is anti-Buddhist. No verses have caused so much controversy than the two that reference the “luminous mind.” They are found near the beginning of the Anguttara Sutta. They have been used to justify the idea of a soul theory inherent in the Buddhadhamma as well as the foundation of the teachings found in the Buddha-nature and Tathagatagarbha teachings. These enigmatic versus have no explanation in the Pali suttas and imaginations have run wil...