Notes on Kamma

The Paḷi word kamma (Sanskrit karma) is taken to mean "action". In Buddhist doctrine kamma refers to any intentional mental, verbal or bodily act; that is, an act of will. The Buddha says: ‘I say that intention is kamma, because having first intended one acts with body, speech or mind.’ (Anguttara Nikaya 3.415). According to the Buddha, every intentional action modifies our consciousness, thus building our character and thereby influencing our behavior, our experience and consequently our destiny. Positive intentional actions motivated by generosity, love, and wisdom tend towards outcomes that are experienced as positive, while intentional negative actions motivated by greed, hatred and delusion tend towards outcomes experienced as negative. The doctrine of kamma is probably the most misunderstood of all the Buddha’s teachings. The four most common misunderstandings are these Everything that happens to us is the result of our past kamma. In actual fac...