Sandhinirmochana Sutra Chapter 1: The Characteristics of Ultimate Truth

Hongaku Jodo Website Click here to subscribe to our newsletter. The Characteristics of Ultimate Truth From the Text: Thus have I heard. Once the Buddha was staying in a great palace, which was made of the finest jewel flowers, supremely brilliant, adorned with seven precious substances, radiating great light illuminating all regions in all worlds, studded with beautiful ornaments. The girth of the palace was boundless, immeasurable, beyond the range of the world. It was produced by supreme transmundane virtues, and its appearance was that of ultimately independent pure consciousness. It was the capitol of the Buddha, the gathering place of great enlightening beings, with all kinds of other beings always in attendance. It was supported by the joy and bliss of the universal taste of truth. It appeared arrayed with adornments benefiting sentient beings in all suitable ways, getting rid of the binding defilement of all afflictions and driving away the evils of bed...