Buddha Nature or Luminous Mind

My mind is reeling. I offered to do a workshop. The offer was granted. They gave me the topic of “Buddha Nature.” The material on Buddha Nature is seemingly immense. It is also conflicting because there is no one definition agreed upon by all parties attesting to its existence. This brings into doubt its very reality. The tathāgatagarbha doctrine is reputedly one of the most significant Buddhist doctrines to have come under the scrutiny of scholars in recent times. According to scholars, Theravada has no the category of the "Buddha's Nature", all true Mahayanists insists that all the sentient beings possess the Buddha-nature it is Tathāgatagarbha , the Embryo of the Buddhahood in all beings. According to Shunko Katsumata, although the term “ tathāgatagarbha ” first appeared in the Mahāyāna texts composed in India between approximately 200 and 350 CE and its basic idea can be found in the expressio...