What Is and What Is Not the Dhamma

What Is and What Is Not the Dhamma There are those who search for authentic Buddhist teachings, Dhamma (Skt Dharma), and there are those that are willing to take anything they can get as long as it is cheap and easy. Those who do search for authenticity should consider the qualities of the teaching as well as the authenticity of the words themselves. According to the Buddha the Dhamma has eight qualities that demonstrate its authenticity. Teachings that are not Dhamma have eight but opposing qualities. When Gotami, the Buddha’s stepmother asks Buddha to name the qualities she asked him how she could recognize real Dhamma and distinguish it from false teachings (Gotami Sutta). One influential Thai teacher has called this particular teaching “the constitution of Buddhism”. The eight principles are the standard by which any teaching, Buddhist or not, should be judged. The teaching is right in line with the Kalama Sutta (Anguttara Nikaya 3.65) and the teaching...