The Sutra In 42 Chapters

The SUTRA OF FORTY-TWO CHAPTERS (The Buddha Speaks the Sutra of Forty-Two Chapters) Translated by the Chung Tai Translation Committee
January 2009
From the Chinese translation by
Masters Kashyapa-matanga and Gobharana of the Later Han Dynasty , 1st Century
An annotated version of this sutra in PDF format can be obtained by contacting us at Prologue Having attained Buddhahood , the World Honored One reflected: To abandon desire and be immersed in stillness is the supreme Way. Abiding in profound samadhi , one subdues all evil . The Buddha turned the Dharma Wheel of the Four Noble Truths at Deer Park , and led Kaundinya and four others to attain the fruit of the Way . There were also bhiksus who had various questions and implored the Buddha for guidance. The World Honored One taught and directed each one to enlightenment . Joining their palms with reverence...