The Bodhisattva Vow In Theory

Ksitigarba In theory the Bodhisattva Vow looks very cool and altruistic. I've presented here an argument justifying the teaching. The Bodhisattva Ideal has some very real problems when filtered through the teachings of the Buddha, but in order to be fair and have the appearance of unbiasedness I present this article to you. This is a rationale for the popular Mahayana theory is that a Bodhisattva is a higher ideal of spiritual aspiration than that of the Arahant. It is usually taught in Mahayana that the goal of the Arahant is only nirvana. This is the extinction of the asravas on the individual level; whereas the goal of the Bodhisattva is bodhi, enlightenment, or sometimes referred to as “spiritual awakening”, of sometimes oneself, but usually postponing that goal until others have reached it. The asravas are the four currents of ignorance, desire for sensory gratification, craving for self-existence, and attachment to views or opinions. The removal of these ...